About us

The “Sex-positive Community Europe” is a growing community established as a non-profit association based in Europe. We are using Sociocracy 3.0 as our working model. More about how we currently work is explained here. The General Circle (core team)  2020/2021 is elected every year during our General Assembly 2020. Our goal is to build a network of engaged Facilitators & Activists to work together on shared goals and give them a voice. On sex-positive.com one of the main goals is to provide interested individuals in Europe an accessible portal of information about sex-positivity; safer sex; and an overview of relevant events.
We are moderating the Facebook group Sex-positive community Europe and organizing network events in Europe.
More about our values in our Manifesto.

Current activities

  • A calendar of sex-positive events (workshops, retreats, seminars, trainings, parties and more) throughout Europe.
  • Free and open-source Information (A sex-positive glossary, safer sex and sexual health information, reviews of events, websites links.)
  • A directory of professionals working with and supporting the sex-positive Scene (Event & Workshop Organisers, Workers from different sex-positive fields, Performers, Artist, etc.)
  • A list of locations hosting sex-positive events
  • A blog and newsreel about our further actions

If you’d like to be added on pour directory of events or professionals to be represented on the Website write us a mail at sexpositivecom@gmail.com

You want to add your Event in our calender? Please submit it here https://sex-positive.com/events/community/add

How we work

In order to cover our costs (web hosting, design, photography, blogs, promo, material etc) we plan to operate on a donation basis. We will be setting up advanced options soon but you can start by supporting us here: https://paypal.me/Spositive

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay posted on upcoming events, news, infos and more.

If you wanna know more about how we work,  check out the Open Day Recordings. In the first part, we talk about the Sex-Positive Community Europe and what it is about: Our values, the people behind it, our ideas, and a timeline!

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SA3P8-wCsQ

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-gPawm01p4 

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEqd_SwAc7U