

Fill in this Form to become a member <3

We are happy you want to become a member of this awesome community.
The regular membership fee is 20€ a year
Low Income membership fee is 10€ a year

You are very welcome to donate more to our Association via PayPal 

Membership in the SPCE includes the following benefits:

  • receiving a newsletter and being informed of community activities
  •  invitation to community events
  • access to our communication platform (Slack)
  • invitations to the General Assembly
  • Membership in the SPCE does NOT grant or include any of the following rights or privileges:
  • voting rights in the General Assembly
  • access to community organized events (i.e an invitation does not grant access)
  • accession to the General Circle or any of the Department Circles
  • access to any reserved or confidential information
  • speaking in the name of the association or community
  • Membership in the SPCE includes the following duties:
  • paying the annual fee on tim

Membership in the SPCE is highly encouraged for all those that want to volunteer for the association, and required for anyone engaging in the General Circle or leading an SPCE project.

Please – within a week of filling in this form – transfer the membership fee (and eventual donation) to one of the following accounts with the keyword “Mitgliedsbeitrag 2021” and your name if it’s not matching the account.

If you wanna stay up to date like the S+ Community Page

Join the @S+ Community Europe Group

Who is behind this initiative?

The “Sex-positive Community Europe” is a growing community established as a not-for-profit association based in Europe. We are using Sociocracy 3.0 as our working model. More about how we currently work is explained here. The General Circle (core team)  2020/2021 is elected every year during our General Assembly.Our goal is to build a network of engaged Facilitators & Activists to work together on shared goals and give them a voice. One of the main goals is to provide interested individuals in Europe an accessible portal of information about sex-positivity; safer sex; and an overview of relevant events. We are moderating the Facebook group Sex-positive community Europe and organizing network events in Europe. More about our values in our Manifesto.