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Chatonnade – Feral Intimacy

June 10, 2021 @ 18:00 - June 13, 2021 @ 18:00 CEST

€220 – €350

Fabulous Fabulosities – Feral Intimacy

[Feral: adj. Return of a domesticated species to a wild state]

Self-empowerment retreat centred on
positive-sexuality, collective governance, and communal living

10-13 June – an hour away from Paris


In a few words:
Ceremonies and workshops predominantly about sexual exploration
A container for people with some experience with events in which sexuality is allowed,

And, as always:
Coliving based on the principles of individual freedom, non-violence, and care
A beautiful venue in nature 1h from Paris
Vegetarian and organic food
Daily shared governance circles


Covid policy 

To reduce COVID risk, here are the health requirements to come to the event:

– It is mandatory to present a test (PCR or antigenic) less than 48 hours old in order to come,
– It is also requested not to come in case of symptoms or contact case (a total refund will be proposed),
– Finally, it is requested to inform the organizational team if symptoms appear after the event so that each participant can be tested and isolated if necessary.


What is Chatonnade? 

Chatonnade is a self-positive collective that works for the sexual fulfillment of all.

Self-positive is a movement that supports spaces where:
1/ the different parts of oneself are welcomed, integrated and honoured in their diversity,
2/ everyone is supported to do what is right for them at all times,
3/ issues of consent, consent bias, and caregiving are central to culture/ education.


What is a FF? 

Fabulous Fabulosities (FF) are a 3-day Chatonnade event formats during which we add a dimension of hands-on exploration around the themes of sexuality and living together

This exploration takes place via a mix of guided ceremonies to offer safety/culture and multiple self-directed workshops to offer freedom/exploration.


What will happen concretely? 

Literally everything is allowed and nothing is mandatory except the event guidelines. In particular, various levels of nudity and sexuality are allowed in different spaces.

The retreat is guided by the facilitation of 6 circles and ceremonies including 3 ceremonies during the evenings, one for the closing, and two circles of shared governance during the day.

During these moments of sharing, each person will have the opportunity to offer workshops on the themes that inspire them. Each participant will also have the opportunity to browse through the various offerings of the other participants. These workshops will take place in the morning, afternoon and night.

In the evening, the ceremonies will be guided by our Lead Facilitator. They will focus on safety and connection, through consent exercises, connection and authenticity games

Angels will be present during the stay to support individuals.


This is a sex-positive event, meaning that the ceremonies and workshops offered will be predominantly about sexual exploration. More info on our new theme code  here: https://docs.chatonnade.org/chatonnade/cadre/code-thematique


What about the location? 

It is in a beautiful house with a large garden. A private group will be created to allow for coordination of carpools and other trips. The place will be decorated to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

We will have separate spaces for silence or to get away from sexual interactions if we need to.

There will be a limited number of rooms alone for sleeping, if a person wishes to secure a solitary space for the night/their belongings then it is recommended to bring a tent.


Is everyone welcome? 

Yes! The only requirement is that you must be at least 18 years old and able to respect the event framework. As a self-positive and sex-positive community, we are dedicated to embracing diversity and creating a safer space for all.

Our events welcome individuals regardless of their sex, gender, sexual and romantic orientation, atypicalities, body type, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion, employment status, sexual experience, kinks and parasexuality, body cycle (menstruation), triggers and trauma.

For first time attendees at one of our events, we may ask for a recommendation from someone who has attended before.

This is a red coloured event, meaning it is intended for those with some experience with spaces in which sexuality is allowed. During ceremonies, the right to have sexuality is HIGHER than not wanting to attend .More info on our new color code  here: https://docs.chatonnade.org/chatonnade/cadre/code-couleur

The event will be in French and English. Basic knowledge of French is recommended.

How do I register? 

I register directly on the linked ticketing site of the event.


When I take my ticket, I am automatically put on the waiting list, and my application is studied by the Lead Participant. I will only be charged if my participation is confirmed.

The financial participation includes accommodation, food and facilitation:
– 220€ for the solidarity price
– 280€ for the standard price
– 350€ for the support price

A conscious pay what you what option is also proposed for people with limited financial resources

A Chatonnade membership is required to register for the event

The retreat will take place from Thursday 6pm to Sunday 6pm. It is mandatory
It is mandatory to arrive before 8pm on the first night for the opening circle.

There will be a maximum of 40 participants

Is there a risk of the event being cancelled?

We are committed to maintaining the event.
If there are less participants than expected, we will keep the format smaller by finding an adjusted venue!


Cancellation policy

We will offer 100% refund in case of total cancellation of the event, in case of positive covid test and if case-contact
There will be no other possible refund cases due to the expenses incurred and the fragile cash flow in this particular context. Thank you for your understanding


Any other questions? 

Contact Céliane who is Lead Participant.e.s on the event https://www.facebook.com/celiane.evrard

Technical questions about Belong ticketing?

You can contact Leïo: https://www.facebook.com/leio.mokusei

To sign up:


Much love from the sexy Kitten team!


June 10, 2021 @ 18:00 CEST
June 13, 2021 @ 18:00 CEST
€220 – €350
Event Categories:
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Champigny, 89340 France + Google Map