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Transformative Accountability Incubator

September 17, 2021 - September 19, 2021


Our next Incubator happens from the 17th to the 19th of September near Vienna. (location TBA) 

✨Transformative Accountability Incubator  ✨ 

The concept:
This Incubator gives us the time and space to learn and develop a structure to become more accountable for ourselves and our organizations. Through learning how to set up a consent policy & procedure, we’ll get in touch with our capacity and scope of dealing with consent issues, and learn different ways to deal with them in an accountable way.

We’ll dive deep into the topics of Transformative Accountability, conflict-resolution & harm, compassionate space holding, and how we take this into action beyond fancy words, strengthening our communities.
We invite you to join us in reflection & learning and explore different mindsets, solutions, and roadblocks.
Let us co-create a space to freely exchange our knowledge, coming from different realms, sharing knowledge on many levels – in workshops, lectures, discussions, in the evenings as well through art and touch.

In the evening there will be the possibility to join connection games and playful workshops, as well as different themed spaces – social – sensual – sexual.

The Setup:
We’ll be combining two different styles. First, there will be a fixed program to introduce the topics and lay out the terrain where we can work on. Secondly, we organize an UNconference where we’ll co-decide together on which topics we want to dig deeper into, as well as set up a working station where people can actively work on the stuff they learned.

This way we aim for a balance between professional training opportunities, discussions, as well as dedicated (co-)work time.

For the fixed training program, we invited Ariana Coveny – teacher at the Consent Academy – to provide us a professional training around 

  • How do You Build a Culture of Accountability & What to do When Something Goes Wrong?
  • Creating Policy and Procedure

For the training, part will be the possibility to join online. 

For who:
This Incubator is for Organizers, Activists, Facilitators, Multiplicators, Artists, spaceholders, mediators, community leader,… and engaged people of the sx-positive & body-positive communityies in Europe.

Are you hearing the call?

Apply here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSfsRM5RfuHT…/viewform (30 spots available)


To be determined. Expect something around €120 euro Per Person all Inclusive for the whole weekend (Friday-Sunday).

One day Online training Saturday: 18th at 11 am 13 pm and 15 pm -18 pm: 40 € / Person ( discount possible for non-profit associations and marginalized people ) All the revenues will be used to pay our trainer, Ariana. 

Remember: this event is non-profit and just covers the cost of the location, the trainer, supplies, and the food.

The Organisation of this event is unpaid and made by Volunteers of the S+ Community Europe 


Friday 17th September:

16:00 Soft Arrival Incubator Guest

17:30 Practicalities & Consent Policy of the Weekend

18:00 Opening Circle ( people present them self name/pronoun/intention)

19:00 Intro Sex-positivity & Transformative Accountability

20:00 Dinner

21:00 Connection Games 

22:00 Different Spaces ( Chill/ Network / Sauna? / Play Space)


18th September Saturday:

8:00 – 9:30 Breakfast

10:00 Coming together and Introducing the day 

11:00-13:00 Training by Ariana 

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

15:00 – 16:00 Brainstorming of Roadblocks & Burning Questions

16:30 – 18:30  Training Nr2 by Ariana 

18:30 – 20:00 Working Slot (19:30-22:30 Consent & Leadership: Consent Advocate Training)

20:00  Dinner

21:30 Workshop

21:30 Different Spaces ( Chill/ Network / Sauna / Play Space)


19th September Sunday:

8:00-9:30 Breakfast

10:00 Coming together 

Defining topics for the Unconference (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconference)

11:00 – 13:00 Unconference SLOT1  

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 16:30 Unconference SLOT2 

16:30 -17:30 Unconference WRAP UP

18:00 Closing circle 

19:00 Accountable Cleaning & Soft departing 

Wanna be part of it ? https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsRM5RfuHT-sc8QBgn6_PkRs__QqTxlfXpgx4h6Ls_PlaH3Q/viewform

More Infos on Facebook and via Email https://www.facebook.com/events/139040571630874 

Wanna stay up to date

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Who are we?

The “S*x-positive Community Europe” is a growing community established as a not-for-profit association based in Vienna with the goal to build a network of engaged Facilitators & Activists to work together on shared goals and have a voice. Among them: to provide interested individuals in Europe with an accessible portal to information about sx-positivity; safer sx; and an overview of relevant events. We are moderating the Facebook group S+ community Europe and organizing network events in Europe. We try to be a voice for the S*x-positive community.



This event is organized for the S*x-positive Association and is fully non-profit aka gemeinnützig.