- This event has passed.
May 6, 2021 @ 20:30 - 23:30 CEST
We invite you to the Munch of the Sex-positive Community Europe (online)!
As most of us are stuck at home and can’t meet, chat and cuddle in person, we want to invite you to the online s+ munch!
Moderation and Space holding by Dr.Diva , Janina Vivianne and Sven.
You can join at any time between 20:30-23:h. The event is limited to 100 guests and free but we inviting donating to our performer and workshop facilitator via PayPal to www.paypal.me/spositivecom
What will happen when?
Zoom in at 20:30 for the OPENING – we will open the container by introducing our rules.
20:40 GAMES -Some light warm up introduction / connection games by Sven
21:20 a Performance
21:30 Workshop by Sara Ablinger bigbodylove.com
21:30 Workshop by Sara Ablinger bigbodylove.com
22:15 MUNCH
Cruising in different rooms
Cruising in different rooms

Book Club, Rooms for different cities, LGBTQIA+, Discussion, Playspace and a space for Performance
22:15 The Sexuali-Tea Room starts, together with the other Rooms, combining talking about s3x-positivity and a good cup of tea. Hosted by the editors of s3x+ Magazine, Cat and Phil
This is a safeR, inclusive space to share what’s going on in our world, building community and connecting with others. Boundaries and consent are super important to us and you will not be required to share anything you’re not comfortable sharing.
Suggestion: You might want to wear something a bit out of the ordinary, funny, glamorous or sensual, for fun and each others eye candy. This is not mandatory, but would be sweet.
Sign Up here.
Feel free to share the Facebook event and invite your friends!!
For further information and the schedule, check Facebook.
What will start as a virtual gathering can emerge into a live munch, or better several ones, regionally organized, once the situation in Europe allows it. But that is future talk.
Who is behind this initiatives?
The “S3x-positive Community Europe” is a growing community established as a not-for-profit association based in Europe. Our goal is to build a network of engaged Facilitators & Activists to work together on shared goals and give them a voice. One of the main goals is to provide interested individuals in Europe an accessible portal of information about sex-positivity; safer sex; and an overview of relevant events. We are moderating the Facebook group Sex-positive community Europe and organizing network events in Europe.
About our cooperation Partners:
S3x+ Magazine is an independent online and printed magazine that shares real stories and rewrites narratives about sex and s3xuality. We’re passionate about showcasing stories that are rarely seen in mainstream media and that includes supporting the voices of marginalised groups. We believe in community-building and curate events internationally that promote empathy, vulnerability and self-love in safeR spaces. sexpluszine.com or @s3xplusmag
S3x+ Magazine is an independent online and printed magazine that shares real stories and rewrites narratives about sex and s3xuality. We’re passionate about showcasing stories that are rarely seen in mainstream media and that includes supporting the voices of marginalised groups. We believe in community-building and curate events internationally that promote empathy, vulnerability and self-love in safeR spaces. sexpluszine.com or @s3xplusmag
We hope to see you there,
Your Sex-Positive Community Europe