xplore Berlin 2019
Malzfabrik Bessemerstr. 2-14, Berlin, Berlin, GermanyXplore… … is a three-day event on creative sexuality, BDSM, body work, dance, performance and ritual. … offers more than 40 workshops, demonstrations, lectures and performances on different aspects and variations of sexuality Where malzfabrik Bessemerstr. 2-14 D-12103 BERLIN When 26-28 July, 2019 Friday to Sunday … presents unusual individuals who play with, work with, and explore the …
Know her Anatomy – ein Workshop für Männer zum Thema Weibliche Ejakulation, Tiefe und Sinnlichkeit
Know her Anatomy - ein Workshop für Männer zum Thema Weibliche Ejakulation, Tiefe und Sinnlichkeit *Dies ist ein Event für Männer, wenn Du dich nicht als Mann identifizierst, lade gerne deinen Partner, Bruder, Kumpel oder Vater ein.* Erfahre alles, was du schon immer über die weibliche Ejakulation, Tiefe und Sinnlichkeit wissen wolltest. Lerne wie du …
Weibliche Ejakulation ein Workshop für alle Menschen mit Vulva
Weibliche Ejakulation *Dies ist ein Event für Menschen mit Vulva, wenn Du also zu den Menschen ohne Vulva gehörst, lade gerne Deine Partner*in, Schwester, Mutter oder Freundin ein.* Eine Quelle der Heilung, Kraft, Magie und Göttlichkeit. Weibliche Ejakulation scheint immer noch ein Mythos zu sein, etwas mit dem nur wenige Frauen gesegnet sind oder etwas, …
Weibliche Ejakulation ein Workshop für alle Menschen mit Vulva Read More »
KONK after xplore
SpitzmühleKONK – weekends at Spitzmühle Konk is a sexpositive open space that juggles with the concepts of Kink and Consciousness. We try to create a necessary parallel world, where all forms of sexual expression and play are welcome, as long as they contribute to a collective embodiment of grace.Konk defines Kink as a creative …
Know her Anatomy – a workshop for men around female ejaculation, depth & sensuality
Know her Anatomy - a workshop on feminine ejaculation, depth and sensuality for men. Learn everything you always wanted to know about female ejaculation, depth and sensuality. Learn how to connect more deeply with yourself and your/ a partner, lover, wife or women in general and create the space for you both to let go …
Know her Anatomy – a workshop for men around female ejaculation, depth & sensuality Read More »
Female Ejaculation – for everyone with a Vulva
FEMALE EJACULATION - a source of healing, power, magic & divinity. * This workshop is for ALL humans WITH a VULVA * Female Ejaculation still seems to be a myth, something just a few women are gifted with or something that is just connected to porn ( squirting ). Even doctors and scientists are divided …
EROS ∞ Medicine // Temple Evening // Summer Love // Berlin
berlin announced soon
E R O S ∞ Medicine
~ ∞ : : DEVOTIONAL & SEX-POSITIVE : : ∞ ~ ~ Ecstasy is your birthright ~ ABOUT THE TEMPLE NIGHT: This unique evening is a Temple space of sacred sexuality and sensuality facilitated to bring up or godly nature, playfulness, freedom, authenticity, permission for …
EROS ∞ Medicine // Temple Evening // Summer Love // Berlin Read More »
Sexolution – The Sex-positive Festival
schwelle wienImmerse yourself in an unprejudiced world of creativity, emotions and self-awareness and look forward to five inspiring days full of vitality, openness and diversity! Nature, talks, play parties, workshops for all senses and an open-minded, mindful community are the centerpieces of Sexolution, the first sex-positive festival in Austria. Set in a secluded natural landscape in …
The Parallel Universe Berlin
What is the Parallel Universe? It is an adult playground, a sex-positive space. For me, it is not (only) about sex or music, but about our desires, dreams, longings in this night, we will create a parallel universe - an adult playground with food, playfight arena, juggling, music, bondage, and beautiful workshops. To create a …
SpitzmühleMega KONK – weekends at Spitzmühle Konk is a sexpositive open space that juggles with the concepts of Kink and Consciousness. We try to create a necessary parallel world, where all forms of sexual expression and play are welcome, as long as they contribute to a collective embodiment of grace.Konk defines Kink as a …
Weibliche Ejakulation – Hamburg
Weibliche Ejakulation - ein Workshop für alle Menschen mit Vulva Eine Quelle der Heilung, Kraft, Magie und Göttlichkeit. Weibliche Ejakulation scheint immer noch ein Mythos zu sein, etwas mit dem nur wenige Frauen gesegnet sind oder etwas, dass nur mit Pornos zusammenhängt. Sogar Ärzte und Wissenschaftler streiten sich über dieses "möglicherweise" vorhandene Phänomen, denn die …
The Intimate Revolution // Vienna
aux gazelle viennaThe Intimate Revolution is coming to Vienna! We all long for the spark, the beautiful moment of authentic connection. Let´s give that longing a place to feel home. For when we truly see each other, a new door opens, to a world of intimacy, love and mind-blowing s**. On the first day, we will …
THE PARALLEL UNIVERSE – an adult playground
aux gazelle viennaJoin us for one night at the PARALLEL UNIVERSE
– an adult playground on November 2nd.
Lets explore an intimate, playful night with performance, music and soft surrender...
This Time the Parallel Universe - an adult playground is part of the S+ Festival The Intimate Revolution Festival and is happening at the Aux Gazelles, …
S+ Ball – Fundraising Weekend
INSOMNIA Alt-Tempelhof 17-19, Berlin, Berlin, GermanyA weekend around Sex-positivity!! S+ Movement Europe invites all communities how work with or around the topic of sexuality to show up! Take a stand for Sex-positivity! Please Invite your friends and network Friday: * 11:00- 18:00 Talks of the different communities in Europe *19:00 - 22:00 Mini Incubator - Network event for S+ …
S+ Weekend & Fundraising Ball
INSOMNIA-Nightclub Alt-Tempelhof 17-19, Berlin, DEA weekend around Sex-positivity!! S+ Movement Europe invites all communities how work with or around the topic of sexuality to show up! Take a stand for Sex-positivity! Please Invite your friends and network Friday: * 11:00- 19:00 Talks of the different communities in Europe *19:00 - 21:00 Mini Incubator - Network event for S+ …