Harmful behavior by facilitators

Abusive or harmful behaviour by facilitators in sex-positive communities

tags : guidelines conflict resolution

Some Ideas:

  • Creating Invitations for people to speak up and say what they need – At the Event and also after the Event – Consent report form example
  • Learn how to receive feedback as facilitators and having processes where that is encouraged
  • Difference between ‘accidental abuse’ which happens without that intention and as a one-off event and on purpose abuse
  • Everyone is a potential abuser and everyone is a potential survivor
  • Complaints procedure that doesn’t involve you
  • We need a system of accountability in place
  • Does your community have your back when you call someone out?
  • Action: What are the markers for manipulative facilitator behavior? How can we identify it? We will compile a checklist of behaviors.
  • Abuse scale – it’s not a binary issue with degrees of impact and severity.
  • Self-responsibility as a way of creating a safeR space: what are the boundaries between care and self-responsibility?

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