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Matriarchy & the Lost Mysteries of the Holy Whore

December 21, 2020 @ 18:00 UTC+1

Remembering Matriarchy
and it’s lost mysteries
of the Holy Whore

On the darkest night of the year, marking the mysteries of death and resurrection
We shall gather together in sisterhood to remember the deep past, to empower us to boldly look into the future ahead.
We will Remember Matriarchy.
Re-Membering it’s lost mystery teachings, we will reconnect to suppressed wisdom from before the time of Patriarchal wounding, whose return is crucial for the healing of the planet today.

In this profound solstice journey, we will honor and reconnect to ancient prehistoric wisdom buried deep within our cellular memory, beneath the layers of intergenerational trauma from patriarchal domination, which understands the cyclic nature of time, of space and of our very existence itself. It is an understanding which was coded in the ancient symbology of our ancestral matriarchal cultures which mapped out the mysteries of birth, life, death and regeneration as the very foundation of society, of spiritualty and of creation itself.
We will embark on a path of revelation and discovery to re-call this lost wisdom, exploring the forbidden sexual mysteries of the ancient Matriarchs, which later were appropriated, abused and used by patriarchy for the expansion of it’s own power, until this very day.

*The Solstice Journey will unfold in the following stages:

18:00- 18:45
-Group Intro
-Opening of the sacred space
Entering the journey of the Longest night
Opening the Gateways of Sacred Re-Memberance
of the suppressed “Her-story” of prehistoric Goddess worshipping Matristic societies, thier belief patterns, social order and legacy for today.

19:00- 19:45
-Transformation :
Opening the Gateways of the Body :
Experiential journey through the embodied wisdom this legacy has handed down to us, such as feminine inner alchemy from the secret mystery teachings of the “Holy Whore “.
20 :00 -20: 30 :
Opening the Gateways of Consciousness ::
Shamanic trance journeying for visionary awareness and healing of our womb,

21:00- 23:00
” From Womb to Tomb”:
Solstice Ritual and Sacred feast of Goddess worship and celebration of the matriarchal mysteries of birth, sex, death and resurrection.

-Group Summary and integration
-Final Closing of the sacred space


Lilith Liberation is a Tantrika, Shamaness, Witch, Author, Ritual Performance Artist and Sacred Activist.
Her journey with Tantra began with a mystical revelation of the Great Goddess from which there was no turning back: for two decades afterwards she has been on a quest to uncover Tantra’s hidden roots, dedicated to discovering it’s suppressed ancient matriarchal source. In 2011 she launched a pioneer revival and reconstruction of the practices of Tantra’s lost women’s mysteries, with the teachings of the “HOLY WHORE”: http://old.londonconfidential.co.uk/News-and-Features/A-Curious-Calling-Lila-Lilith-Tantric-Alchemist
She lived for nearly a decade in India and Nepal, devoted to rigorous study and practice of traditional Tantra in the Vajrayana and Kaula Tantric traditions, as well as the non-dual path of Dzogchen. She was in retreat for prolonged periods of time, practicing in monasteries, in caves, in the wilderness, in cremation grounds, as well as on pilgrimage to the ancient Goddess temples of Tantric power places known as Shakti Pithas, the ancient way Tantra has been practiced for millennia by Yoginis and Yogis.:
Her special practice and study of Dzogchen, Buddhist Tantra and the Kaula Tantra traditions, all in their own strict terms, are informed by her own unique approach based on 20 years of research into their matriarchal origins and links to shamanism, as well as their correspondence to the mystical traditions of the west, from where she started her spiritual quest in the path of the Goddess.
She also conducted a European pilgrimage to prehistoric power places spanning from the Balkans to the Atlantic, which deepened her research further into the lost matriarchal mysteries.
She is a confirmed Shamaness, recognized by indigenous Shaman elders in Korea, Cambodia and Nepal, most notably by Aama Bombo the elder Tamang Shamaness of the International council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.
Her immersion in Asian Shamanism informs her research into its prehistoric roots and links with Tantric practice.
She is a sacred artist and activist, a writer and ritual performance artist whose mystical art is sourced in states of visionary awareness, attainment of non dual levels of consciousness and oracular shamanic states of prophecy.
As an activist, she intertwines the quest for justice, with spirituality, art and life itself, in the political subversion of patriarchy. In 2011 she turned to esoteric action conducting a ritual performance by the remains of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem:
“INVOKING the LOST GODDESS OF ISRAEL ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd6B8we_Se4&t=23s.
Calling Her for the first time in thousands of years to return to the war torn land. This invocation was the counterpart of the revival of the lost mysteries of the HOLY WHORE. Today she continues this work with ” OPENING THE GATES OF MERCY” : A visionary, esoteric resistance, sacred art project and mystery school of the suppressed ancient matriarchal wisdom, for the healing and system change necessary for planetary resolution of an aeon of accumulated trauma and destruction from patriarchal domination.

**In this solstice there is room for up to 12 participants **
** Price 40 € – 25 € for two sponsored places. **
Registration by direct message or mail: bettinasemmer@gmailcom


In der dunkelsten Nacht des Jahres, die die Geheimnisse von Tod und Auferstehung beschwört – den Beginn der Rauhnächte -, werden wir uns in Schwesternschaft versammeln, um uns an die tiefe Vergangenheit zu erinnern und uns zu befähigen, mutig in die Zukunft zu blicken.
Wir werden uns an das Matriarchat erinnern – die weibliche Matrix zur Verehrung der Mütter, an die verlorenen Mysterien der Frau als Göttin, der Gottheit als Frau. Wir werden uns wieder mit der unterdrückten Weisheit aus der Zeit vor der patriarchalischen Verwundung verbinden, die für die heutige Heilung des Planeten von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Begleiten Sie uns in die Magieund werde Teil der Heilkraft des Weiblichen! Kursleiterin: Lilith Liberation
mit anschließendem mitternächtlichem Festmahl, zu dem die Teilnehmerinnen gerne etwas mitbringen mögen.

Achtung: die Plätze sind auf 12 begrenzt.
Preis 40€ (nur 25€ für zwei gesponserte Plätze)

Lilith Liberation ist eine Tantrika, Schamanin, Hexe, Autorin, Performancekünstlerin und Heilige Aktivistin. Ihre Reise mit Tantra begann mit einer mystischen Enthüllung der Großen Göttin, von der es kein Zurück mehr gab: Seit zwei Jahrzehnten ist sie auf dem Weg des Tantra und seiner verborgenen Wurzeln, die der Entdeckung seiner unterdrückten antiken matriarchalischen Quelle gewidmet sind. Im Jahr 2011 startete sie eine Pionier-Wiederbelebung und Rekonstruktion der Praktiken von Tantras verlorenen Frauen-Mysterien mit den Lehren der ‘HEILIGEN HURE’.


December 21, 2020
18:00 UTC+1
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